Last year i did this fun program called "Feeling Great in Eight," and i want to do it again....but this time i'm inviting any of you who want to do it too to join in. I know i always do much better accomplishing something when I know others are doing it too.
Here's how it works....Its a simple plan of healthy eating/healthy lifestyle resulting in possible weight loss and probably gain of healthy habits for both body and spirit. This will be a personal goal can do as good or as much as you want to do....but we'll all be competing against each other...everyone who wants to play will send me $5 or $10 (depending on how many people we get to join) and i will send a small prize to the weekly winner & whoever gets the highest score @ the end of the 8 weeks will get a bigger prize.
sound fun....keep reading...Here are the rules....1. The program will run for 8 weeks...hopefully starting January 18th, 2009 & ending March 14th, 2009.
2. You will compete against each other for prizes each week by keeping track of your points.
3. Track points daily on a point tracking sheets. we will go from Sat. morning to Friday evening each week. Total your points at the end of every week & turn them into me every Saturday morning (we'll use email to do our reporting & to pass along information)
How you earn points....1. Good food points: (there will be a sheet included) Add one point for each good food eaten, up to 10 points a day.
2. Bad food points: (included sheet) Subract 2 points for every bad food eaten. (no max!)
3. Exercise points: 20-30 min= 10 points, 31-45 min.= 15 points, 46-60 min.= 20 points. 20 point max per day. Exercise can be done in segments (e.g. 15 min. in the morn, 15 min. after work)
4. Daily Calendar: Earn 5 point by following the daily calendar. This will be emailed to you each week. (example: writing in your journal, plan a weekly menu, dance, organize a closet) there just fun things that make you accomplish something that day.
5. After 8 p.m. points: Earn 5 points if you eat NOTHING after 8 p.m.
6. Water points: Earn 10 points for drinking water every day. 32 oz. week 1, 40 oz. week 2, 48 oz. week 3.
7. 5+ Fruits & Veggies: Earn 10 points if you eat a combined total of 5 fruits and veggies- count the F's & V's from the "good food" box.
8. Personal Prayer Points: 5 points max for daily personal prayer...MUST BE PERSONAL.
9. Daily Scripture Study Points: 5 points for daily scripture study.
10.Weigh in: Weigh yourself at home at the end of every week (friday night, or best- sat. morn
as soon as you wake up) give yourself 10 points for every lb. lost & 5 points for every 1/2
lb. lost.
11. Total your points: Inform me of your score by Sat. morn (if possible).
still sound fun....It really is & i'd love to have you play...
it might sound a little complicated, but its not at just have to be aware of what your doing during the day.
+ its a good way to start the new year, because if your like me then every new year you start it with some kind of goal to be healthier.
There won't be a limit to how many can sign up, but be dedicated if you want to do it.
I'll be emailing the daily calendars and other information to each of you instead of "blogging" it.
Email me if your interested @ (or you can leave me a comment with your email address) I don't care if your not one of my "blogging friends"....(i'll be the first to admit that i check out way too many blogs that i don't dare leave comments on...maybe this will make it change) But just let me know...your welcome to join.
We'll plan on starting on the 18th, but i'll let ya know if that changes.
I want to FEEL GREAT IN EIGHT!do you?