Friday, April 6, 2012

@ 2 months

now seriously, i thought month one went by quickly, but #2 has been a complete blur. i'm afraid that i will go to sleep tonight then i'll wake up tomorrow and she'll be walkin & talkin back. lets hope not. for now we are just enjoying every second & miss claire continues to be a complete joy in our lives.
this month claire.....

-weighed in at 12 lbs. 15 oz. (87%)
-was 23 3/4 inches long (96%)
-started smiling a ton....cutest thing ever!
-began sleeping through the night, eats, then goes back to sleep for a while longer.
-usually cat-naps during the day
-loves to stand & sit.
-wants to be talked to all day long.
-is starting to look more and more like her adorable big brother.
-loves to sleep on her belly.
-is learning to tolerate hits to the head from her brother (in those occasions i take back the previously mentioned adorable-ness of him)
-survived her first cold & nasty cough, passed on from Preston who was diagnosed with croup, thankfully that part wasn't passed on. scary stuff that croup business.
-just gets cuter & sweeter everyday.


melissa said...

Oh goodness I could eat her up. Too cute!! See you tonight

Sammy said...

what a sweet little thing! She is getting cuter and cuter if that is possible, she is so squishy and pretty and yes, definitely looking more and more like preston. I can't believe she's 2 months. seriously?! I feel like you JUST posted about her being one month