Sunday, September 14, 2008

the sun still shines..

well i am happy to announce that when i woke up on saturday morning the sun was up and it was shining brightly.

I had a good weekend.

My wonderful mother made the trip up my way so we could go watch my little sister sydneys volleyball tournament together. She is Awesome. she had so many things that she could have been doing because they were having the annual "Farm appreciation party" at my parents house that night, but being the sweet mother that she is, and knowing my previous day/week...she came. we watched some volleyball, had lunch, and visited the farmers market. she really is wonderful. thanks mom.

It was a good day.

That night, my babe was home...which was a blessing because a week without him, makes me happy when he is home. We were able to go to the Adult session of Stake Conference together, and then attend it again today. I love sundays more that any other day of the week. Its my day of peace. When i don't need to be in a hurry to get things done, or be somewhere...i just get to enjoy the moment. in which i did.

so, with that being said...i am happy today.

Its going to be a good week.


Lauren Tatton said...

I'm so Happy for you! You are so lucky to be close to your mom! I hope you have a great week! Maybe you will even win your volleyball game!

Paige said...

I read the below post and I am so sorry you were feeling so bad!! it sounds like a little bit of everything was going wrong. I'm happy that things are looking up and that you could spend some time with your mom.

Teandra said...

I just realized that you and Melissa are both Jones! How did that work out?