Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Wasatch Back 2011

Whoa, i think i might finally be recovered from The Wasatch Back last weekend. I ran on my aunts team and we had so much fun. Our team name was "Speedy Spuds"....and we were pretty speedy ;) actually, we placed 34 out of about 90 all womens teams!! We had a really fun group of girls in our car! We got approximately 2 hours of sleep in the 32 hours in took us to run the race. serious exhaustion. you'll notice the nasty/ridiculously hilarious "spud" outfits that we were given to wear....needless to say they didn't get too much wear out of our car. I didn't train quite as well as last year, but it was still fun and i did ok. my first leg was 3.4 miles UP the first part of SNOW BASIN road. killer butt workout! but i was very happy that no one passed me while running that leg. my second leg took place at about 2 a.m and was 5.5 miles, i love the night run. and my last killer leg was 7.7 miles DOWN DOWN DOWN into park city, i ran through Deer Valley resort and while it was much harder than expected to run straight down the mountain it was fun. On my last leg BYU Mens team passed me...they finished the race in 18 hours. that's ridiculous. anyways, it was oce again so much fun, and i can't wait till next year.

can you believe all the snow that was still there. brrr.

yeah for the speedy spuds

until next year.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

a 10 month old

yep...that's right, i am now a parent of a 10 month old. A very very busy 10 month old. now, i know i say that Preston is busy in almost all of my posts, but i feel his level of busy-ness has increased 10-fold this last month. he is exhausting. it is a very good and pleasant exhausting, but none-the-less, exhausting. Yesterday we were at my moms house and i kid you not, the child did not stop moving for 3 seconds in 3 straight hours...except for the 2 minutes that he and i were swinging on the swings. My little sisters were taking a nap and when they woke up they couldn't believe that he was still on the move. He makes me laugh everyday because he is just so silly and curious. i think he has A.D.D...because he is constantly from one thing to the next. silly boy.

He is walking now. He is getting much much more confident in it. I think his most steps is somewhere between 10-12, but when he started he would only walk in between chase and i, but now he will take off on his own. It is so fun to see him learn new things, and i am lucky to be able to spend everyday with him and watch him learn and grow.

He is starting to jabber a lot more. He will say dada, mama, baba, and lots of other noises. I think he only really knows dada and mama, and the rest are just jibber.

He is done nursing, and now drinks from a bottle a few times a day. he used to take a bottle when he was a newborn up until he was 3 months old and then he quit, and much to my surprise when i quit nursing i tried giving him a bottle and he loved it. He drinks both formula and cows milk. When i took preston to his 9 months appointment the dr. told me to start giving him some cows milk to up his fluids at that point i was giving him soy milk occasionaly, but the doc said to go straight to cows, i was quite hesitant to do this because all i've ever heard is to wait until a year to introduce cows milk, but with the dr.'s go ahead i did it, and he loves it and has had no problem adjusting to it.

He loves to be outside (what child doesn't) we are just bummed because this summer has been such a downer with the yucky weather. so we enjoy regular walks outside when the weather is decent and it is hands down his favorite part of day (next to when daddy comes home)

Other than that, i wouldn't say there have been too many changes from his 9th month. He still continues to be greatest blessing and joy in our lives and we just can't get enough of him, even if he wears us out by the end of the day. He is so much fun and still the happiest little guy ever.

Happy 10 months sweet little boy

Thursday, June 2, 2011

it's her birthday....

well technically, it is our birthday, But i want to do a big ol' shout out to the greatest girl i know.... So HAPPY BIRTHDAY SISTER! it has been the strangest, hardest, longest year of my life having you live clear across the world...But you've almost made it, and i admire you and look up to your strength, and positive attitude through all of life's struggles, especially those thrown at you while living in Brazil. Words will never be able to tell you how seriously amazing i think you are. everyday i'm amazed. Most of all, i am so grateful that you became a mother before i did, because you have set an incredible example for me...thanks for paving the way. I hope you know how much i love you!! i am counting down the days till you come home. But for today, i hope you have a great one. LOVE LOVE LOVE you.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

just words today...

a few random things

-i am so excited to eat the asparagus that i just picked by the ditch in front of my house today.

-happy to have decent weather today so p.j and i could enjoy ourselves a walk.

-found a yummy recipe on pinterest the other day, and i made it for dinner, from my sample taste-test it is going to be a keeper.

-I have yet to find a food that Preston either doesn't like or won't try. champion eater that kid.

-that kid is almost a walker, he has taken two steps several times today..but it still makes him nervous.

-i almost have my whole garden planted...i think i'll finish the rest tonight when chase gets home.

-So many area's here in firth are flooding, makes me so grateful for all that i have, and also makes me want to be a better neighbor and help those in need.

-we have sprouts of the grass we planted a few weeks ago coming up. oh happy day.

-got released from my young womens calling on sunday. I had been in the YW for 3 years. kind of a bitter-sweet feeling.

-still need to plan our backpacking trips for the summer to use my new pack. suggestions still welcome.

-slightly jealous that my fam is vacationing in sunny-sunny california right now.

-need to go lay the littles down for a nap...yes, at 5:30 p.m. The kid is a sleeper.

now if that is not random, i don't know what is. such is life today.