Wednesday, June 1, 2011

just words today...

a few random things

-i am so excited to eat the asparagus that i just picked by the ditch in front of my house today.

-happy to have decent weather today so p.j and i could enjoy ourselves a walk.

-found a yummy recipe on pinterest the other day, and i made it for dinner, from my sample taste-test it is going to be a keeper.

-I have yet to find a food that Preston either doesn't like or won't try. champion eater that kid.

-that kid is almost a walker, he has taken two steps several times today..but it still makes him nervous.

-i almost have my whole garden planted...i think i'll finish the rest tonight when chase gets home.

-So many area's here in firth are flooding, makes me so grateful for all that i have, and also makes me want to be a better neighbor and help those in need.

-we have sprouts of the grass we planted a few weeks ago coming up. oh happy day.

-got released from my young womens calling on sunday. I had been in the YW for 3 years. kind of a bitter-sweet feeling.

-still need to plan our backpacking trips for the summer to use my new pack. suggestions still welcome.

-slightly jealous that my fam is vacationing in sunny-sunny california right now.

-need to go lay the littles down for a nap...yes, at 5:30 p.m. The kid is a sleeper.

now if that is not random, i don't know what is. such is life today.

1 comment:

Des said...

Oh, i was going to tell you all about pinterest....but look at you!! you already know!!

miss you!